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Car rental with LOCATIONAUTO

LocationAuto is a car rental company operating in the national territory of Morocco. It is one of the international realities whose offers can be compared thanks to gocarrental.com. This search engine allows you to compare the offers of different car rental companies and find the solution that best suits your needs.

Whether we are talking about tourism, or whether the goal is a car for a business trip, with gocarrental.com you can find the perfect car by price and type in a few clicks. Among the cars available there are also those of LocationAuto.

The car rental company in question satisfies different business needs, allowing you to choose vehicles from numerous brands and categories. The service is highly personalized and allows you to forget all the common problems.

LocationAuto fleet and services

The LocationAuto car rental company also offers long-term rental services for freelancers and companies. This reality, as already mentioned, is characterized by a fleet that includes a very wide choice of models. Among these it is possible to find cars of the luxury and sport category, such as the Mercedes GLE 250D. How can we forget the Jeep Grand Cherokee? Obviously the choice of vehicles is not limited to these two solutions, search and see by yourself!

The fleet of the LocationAuto car rental company also includes the Jeep Wrangler Sahara, a top-level car like the Mercedes C220, the Volkswagen Jetta. These and other cars can be conveniently picked up at the group's agencies.

The offices in question are located in strategic points of different cities in the country. These include the Mohammed V airport of Casablanca and the airport of Rabat.

LOCATIONAUTO most popular destinations